
The one with Maaaahmaaaaa...

This morning, for the first time in my life, I woke up to:
"Maaaahmaaaa, Mama, Maaaaahma, Mama, mama, mamamamamamama"
The culprit was 14 month old...we'll call her...'Baby Sis'.
I never knew what it was like to wake up to a sweet little voice telling me that I was needed. DS never did that. I never knew he was awake - he could have sat in that bed quiet as a mouse for hours and I'd have never known.
So, I walked into the room and approached the super smily little one telling me 'Hi...Hi...Hi' in the most adorable voice you've ever heard. I said 'Do you want to get down?'
To which I responded "You want down?"
*Vigourous nodding of the head*
Ahh...it was a good morning.


Laura said...

ug totally relate. Such a small thing, but it means a lot, and it's telling. Brad has never once called for me, to this day. Jeremy started calling for me some time between age 1 and 2.

A little boy just 3 years old said...

:-) I really meant it more as a success for baby girl... but I guess it is telling for DS as well.
Either way... baby girl doesn't do things I love about DS... so I get the best of both worlds.

I had the same reaction the day I heard her make car noises to go with the car she was pushing around for the first time too.