It's really adorable & 10,000 times better than screaming or 'Noooooooooooo'. So, I've been loving it. We're all culprits of imitating him just to get him to do it again it's so cute.
However, this evening as I sit catching up on a few computer things- DS is watching Curious George. Low and behold, I am listening to the TV and I hear George say 'Hummmmmmph'. The EXACT noise - not just the articulation of it, but the context as well.
I never thought I'd hear a 'noise' script, but it makes sense. You gotta give the boy some PROPS for picking up on the CONTEXT in which george uses the noise too....
LOL!!! Still cute!
That is too funny. And validates my theory: George is the root of all good in this world. ;-)
Aww! So cute!
I think I need to invest in a Curious George DVD now.
I know that sound! That's one clever monkey you got there. =)
It is cute! But it's not really "scripting." Scripting is repeating dialogue without context.
What your son is doing is teaching himself language by watching the videos. He's then pulling out what he's learned and using it in context. Because he can watch shows repeatedly and accurately glean their meaning, he uses the words he knows.
My son started off with a lot of pulled dialogue from the videos he watched. Then he added words and changed words and made the meaning his own. He still does it to a degree, but more and more of the words are spontaneously his own.
Watching "Little House on the Prarie" was how my family in Sweden learned to speak English. I've heard of several Spanish-speaking adults who watched "Sesame Street" to learn English.
They dont miss a thing!
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