
The one with Vestibular talk...

Our second OT session went really well. I am still in the process of getting some more materials to understand how this puzzle piece could fit for DS... but so far I am very pleased. I have read a portion of 'The Out of Sync Child' and intend to read it in it's entirety very soon. I think it will answer a LOT of unanswered questions I have had thus far. I am going from thinking my son has 'very mild sensory issues' to realizing that I didn't even know there were all these different sensory systems in the body. And - I blogged about 'Vestibular Dysfunction', but from what I have read so far, it goes far beyond that.
Not being the type to jump on board with something so quickly, I am hesitant to think 'This is It'. However, not since the Hyperlexia article I read..... have I read something that describes DS in such a clear cut way. !Proceed with Caution!
I am really struggling to keep my 'why didn't they....' under wraps for now because I know that he is ONLY 2 1/2 & he IS doing so well. Maybe now is just the right time for HIM. Maybe it would have been too overwhelming to do everything at one time. God's timing is perfect...
So, in the session itself, when we brought up our issues with Amy - she just grabbed hold and listened and started rattling off suggestions. She never really said yes or no to whether she thought Sensory Processing/Vestibular/Proprioceptive etc.... is an issue for him, which was odd. But, we also have to give her a learning curve to understand how she does things.
I am hoping for a calmer session this week that I have less questions, and I can sit back and watch how she does things without all of my interjections.
The ideas rattled off the top of Amy's head to help with the issues discussed:
Help with calming before naptime/bedtime
-Joint/body pressure before bed
-Heavy quilt. Use pillows on his body to apply pressure after under covers. Call it 'Curious George's cave' or something to make it playful.
-Rethink music - a lot of children cant handle music/re-stimulates them.
Help with calming overstimulation
-distract a stim, don't call attention. e.g. Give him a task while marching.
'Carry this heavy bucket' - wait 15 seconds - and ask again. Let him march. Don't take that regulation away from him, but make it more appropriate.
-Don't talk about the behavior you are taking away - instead, if we want his hands out of his hair, put a heavy ball in his hands or ask him to use two hands on a task.
Help with fidget/attention at mealtime
-Heavy fork/spoon
-Slightly inflated beachball in seat to allow movement
Help with FEELING the sensory imput
-Help him swing on trapese bar- hold shoulders, bounce him to the ground when done to get information from his hips/knees/ankles of where he is in space.
-While swinging, have him kick in and out and allow him to kick my hands on his way up.
Help with Bi-lateral Coordination
-Require 2 hands to be used on as many tasks as possible. '2 hands', or 'both hands' VERBAL prompt only
Suzanne (DT) had some ideas last week as well:
-3lb bag of rice in a long sock ~ weighted lap pad
-weighted vest?
-vestibular swing?

1 comment:

Laura said...

that is such a great list! I've done some of those things, and it really does work. Brad needs that procieptive input to feel centered, I think.