
The one with Mastery of 'Are you' questions...

I've noticed that DS has actually started to ASK some questions. This is a HUGE event because I had no idea how long it would take us to get here. They are still squeaky, shaky, and fairly planned out.... but it's amazing.
I think he has noticed everytime I say 'Thank you for asking a question' and has built on that praise a want to do more.
'Are you reading your Bible, Mommy?' he says to me this morning.
Yes, I am. Thank you for asking a question!
'Are you over?' (meaning over the other side of the gate)
I am over this side of the gate. Good question.
'Are you drinking Coffee?'
Yes, I'm drinking Mommy's coffee.
I see him adding 'are you' to the beginning of a lot of things that began as a one word prompt and have slowly been added to..... Certainly a great show of learning on his part.
YAY... a little dance... and more YAY!!


Anonymous said...

'DS, Are you making HUGE gains?'
'Are you getting stronger and stronger?'
'Are you making your mommy do the happy dance?'
YES, you are!

Laura said...

(((HUGS))) I am so happy for you and E! That's awesome. There's no stopping him now. And, bonus: no pronoun confusion.

A little boy just 3 years old said...

What is pronoun confusion? b/c he also says things like 'he did it' (about himself); 'Your turn' (for himself); 'My turn' (for me); can you have it? (for himself)

~ April ~ EnchantedDandelions said...

Wow, that's wonderful!! :)

BTW, I keep meaning to tell you that I love the new (well, probably not anymore, LOL) blog colors and photo.