
The one with the obsession...

So, the numbers thing where he knew all 53 songs on the CD by number is driving me UP A WALL!!!!! I will say it is interesting how very typical behaviors and very disordered behaviors mesh in daily activities. If there is one thing I've learned as of recently - one reason I get the 'oh, he's just being 2' so often is because he really is just being 2. Follow me...
We came home from our first dentist appointment right about naptime. I decided to give DS a bit of wind down time so that nap would go a little easier. After a nice cup of milk and a little TV, I started the nap routine as always:
Lay Down - Blanket On - Close Eyes - Music On - Close Door
Out of the bed....messing with CD player
'Lay down, No-no playing CD player. What # do you want?'
'I want nummer 3.'
'Ok. I'll turn on #3. Lay down. Do not get back up.'
*crying* 'nummer 53, nummer 53...'
turned it to 53
*sobbing* 'nummer 00, nummer 00'
opened CD player so it would display 00
I could keep going, but the basic gist is that he wanted me to do what he had been doing or else he would not be satisfied. His pattern is to lay down, listen to the song, get up when it changes, look at the number, lay back down, listen, get up when it changes...etc.. so on.....
This must have been how/why he memorized them all.
So, I moved the CD player to where he could see the numbers from where he was laying - thinking that maybe this would resolve the getting out of bed peice. Nope. This is the pattern, that's what he wants to do. It just gave him easier access.
So, I took the CD player away. And he goes hysterical.
As a mom of a 2 year old - I realize that I am pretty much always in a place to do something wrong no matter what decision I make. But this particular day I decided that maybe he was trying to manipulate me to stick around and I ignored him for a bit.
That didn't work either. He got more upset, crying so hard he sounded like he might get sick.
So, It was over. I got him out. Consoled him. We checked the mail together, and I put on Curious George. 45 min's later, I found him curled up asleep in the chair.
This is just what a 2 year old does. I've heard the stories of many other 2 year olds 'I want the pink blanket, no the yellow one, no the one with abc's, no blanket, etc...' but the sheer obsession with the routine he developed was I think the real disturbance and reason he could not be settled.
Poor little guy.


tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

I still get "oh he's 5, that's waht all 5 years olds do". Makes me want to physically shake the person until they appologise.

A little boy just 3 years old said...

Really? Still at 5??!! Give me some hope here *rainbowmummy*! Just kidding. UGH.

Shari said...

Hi. I've been reading your blog. Laura told me our guys are about the same age. We don't have an official diagnosis though.

Your guy's number memory is impressive. Maybe he'll be gifted in that area.

My blog is http://www.xanga.com/Silly_Ole_Bear
if you want to visit.

Anonymous said...

I followed your links from Laura's blog to over here.

Your E sounds a lot like my Chee. She has a phenomenal memory, too, and she did the exact same thing with memorizing song numbers. Her bedtime CD of classical music - she really liked Number 5 and Number 17. 17 was the last song on the CD. Once I realized she wasn't going to fall asleep till she heard that, I'd wait till after #5 played, then I'd skip ahead to #15 and as soon as #17 came on, she was out!

She has always memorized all songs by # on her CDs.

Are you familiar with the term Hyperlexia? Sounds to me like your son falls on the continuum for that. (As does my DD.)

Kids with Hyperlexia do GREAT! There are some good resources out there for how to use their love of the written word to help them learn and help with behavioral stuff.

I'm glad I clicked over here - your blog is very interesting. I always love to read about kids who sound like my Chee. :-)

Anonymous said...

Also over here from Laura's blog... We have a little guy (age 4) with a PDD-NOS diagnosis and hyperlexia, and he has a crazy memory for numbers too- actually, he just has a crazy memory. Good news is that 1 year into his diagnosis, he's making amazing progress and will be starting at a fully-integrated kindergarten next fall. Good luck, sounds like you have sweet little boy.