
The one with crazy memorization....

Off my 'soapbox' as of recent.
Here is some FUNNY or AMAZING or just plain out WHAT???!! for you.
Saturday, we were going to a free trial of Little Gym. We went one other time about 2 weeks prior for another free event (yes, I am queen of the FREEBIES). I was trying to describe it to DS to jog his memory and see if he was excited.
"Remember the place with the big red mat that you ran all around in circles, and they had the big long board you walked across and mommy wanted you to jump off, and there were lots of other kids and you had lots of fun....."
His eyes got huge - and I could tell he remembered something.
His response:
"Five - Zero - Zero - One"
I looked over at DH and we both knew what he did - but I couldn't beleive it. Could it be?
I googled and yep - the address to Little Gym was "5001 Whatever Road"
We went ONE time and he remembered the number on the outside of the building.
Yesterday, dad was playing piano for the kids and we were encouraging DS to sing along to 'The BIBLE', and 'My God is so Big' etc... He has a CD that also has these songs, and when dad stopped playing, DS walked into his room and said 'Nummer Thirty, Nummer Thirty'. So, we turned on his cd to number 30 & low and behold, it was 'The B-I-B-L-E'. Still there was that chance that it was a fluke, so as well intentioned curious parents do - we asked him what number 'My God is so big' is. "Nummer Five." Well, This particular CD has 53 songs on it. So, dad proceeded to cover up the screen on the player and change songs. "What number is this?".......
He told us - without error- what the number of each song was within the first few notes of each song playing and totally out of order at that.
We stand amazed. ONCE AGAIN.
And last.....
Dad was reading DS an "Amelia Bedelia" book we picked up at the library for the first time. We are trying hard to get him to allow us to read to him, instead of him always reading the books. So, dad is reading along (remember he has never seen this book before) and flips the page. DS won't have it - dad missed the 'she said' on the page before- and DS turns the page back and points at them "grunt, grunt" pointing to the two words dad missed. Each time dad left out a word (whether it be by accident or on purpose) DS would not allow him to be done with that page until he read it. Then he would turn the page.
Silly boy.

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