So, I settled on asking a couple of the teachers how he did and testing waters on whether I needed to step in at the end of the night.
Our night began: All the kids get a sticker for identification. I wrote 'diaper' on his so they'd know that he is not potty trained [because for whatever reason I figured all the other 3 year olds would be, but it's a young class and not all of them are]. I am a 'guide' for the 4 year olds, so I was right there as we all gathered in the big room. DS Teacher #1 came over and asked me about the 'diaper' note and I stated above. She asked if he needed to go potty at all that night, and I stated that he is not actively training and he is welcome to go, but will need a lot of help.
Low and behold if that boy didn't GO with everyone else, walk in, take off his pants, pee IN THE URINAL with a 'couple of dribbles', somehow get his pants back on (maybe help??), and went back to class. Hey now, I was supposed to be there for his first URINAL experience....
My BIG BOY did so good. Of course, the FIRST time they thought he went to the potty, he was just there for moral support watching another boy and then clapping in congrats that he went pee-pee. I wonder what that poor kid thought. LOL Bet he's not used to an audience.
Other than that, the only comment I got from a teacher was that he purposely threw his napkin on the floor at one point. I don't know what that was about, but I'll take it.
Night #1. Success.
Now, let's see how much night 2 changes & how he does with that. Worried mommy has higher hopes for tonight.
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