
IEP Goals in more detail

GOALS: (i will list one from each category, since there are well over 25 total) They explained to me that goals can be academic or functional. All of DS are functional.

SelfCare/Safety: Request somethign to eat or drink during mealtimes and/or at other appropriate times, at least 2-3 times across each week of services. (other goals about toileting, washing, and safety)

Emotional (Regulation): Choose from two acceptable options for responding to an identified emotion a) when choices are presented visually by an adult b) by using a visual choice system on his own, for at least 3 of 5 situations when his emotional state is limiting or preventing him from engaging in activities. (other goals about identifying emotions, redirection)

Social: Verbally initiate a social interaction with a) an adult b) a peer, during at least 1 of 3 informal group situations (i.e. snack or mealtime, play session, recess, etc.) (other goals about following directions, turn taking, participation in cooperative play, response to frustration, attention)

Play/Independance: Maintain engagement with an adult-directed hands-on acticity (craft, construction, game, etc.) for a) 5 minutes b) 10 minutes or until complete, with no more than two individual redirections, for at least 3 of 5 opportunities. (other goals about following directions, choices, transitions, problem solving, redirection)

Language: Answer fact-based "wh" and "yes/no" questions regarding a)current activities adn routines b) information requiring recall for at least 4 of 5 consecutive opportunities across settings. (other goals about pronoun reversal, using verbs, maintaining conversation, following directions)

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