
The one wondering about Pronouns...

What exactly is Pronoun Reversal? At what age is it appropriate? Is this advanced Echolalia? Does this fall under another category? All of my examples are daily occurances. He always says things this way.
Example of a phone conversation....
Me: 'Tell Memaw you love her.'
DS: 'You love her.'
Example of Potty Training conversations....
Me: *checking the diaper*
DS: 'Do you have gas?' (HE was the one passing gas)
Me: 'All done potty, what's next?'
DS: 'Wash your hands and dry your hands' (should've been 'MY')
Example at Mealtime...
DS: 'Are you eating cereal and milk?'
Me: No, YOU are eating cereal with milk.
Example of daily events...
Me: What did you do today?
DS: 'And we play, and we sing, and we readin' books.'
DS: 'Mommy, can I kiss your boo-boo?'
Me: 'Where is my boo-boo?'
DS: 'On your foot' (holding his foot up to me)


Anonymous said...

I'm no speech therapist, but I have always thought of this as echolalia. At nearly 5, Charlotte has very few pronoun reversals, and when she does she immediately corrects herself.

I believe it's part of the Gestalt learning thing -where they memorize language in whole parts, then later break it down into chunks.

Like I said, she still has those pronoun reversals on occasion, but she will stop and correct herself. But it's like her default language is what she memorized from listening to the adults in her life for a long time, so that is where her brain first goes. Does that make ANY sense?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and as for what age is it appropriate - my typically developing 2 year old never does pronoun reversal.

With Charlotte - it dropped off after she turned 4. The last 9 months, since she turned 4, have been the most significant in terms of language development. This is reportedly true of children that fit the hyperlexia characteristics - you may see the same thing with you little dude. :-)

Laura said...

check, we have that too. It's part of the reason I'm starting him on private speech therapy.

A little boy just 3 years old said...

Goodfountain, I am so glad you commented. Aren't you the one who told me that my DS sounds a lot like yours? I thought you called her Chee though - am I thinking of someone else?

I was thinking it was a form of Pronoun reversal until I actually started typing & I could hear myself saying each and every phrase for him in the past - I am now CERTAIN this is memorized situational language (or echolalia).

The SLP isn't concerned about Echolalia anymore.... I guess we'll have another conversation this week.

Thanks for the responses! Very helpful!!

Anonymous said...

Yes - Charlotte is Chee. I was using the pseudonym for a long time, but got tired of it and changed to our real names. A little less anonymous, but hey ... it is what it is.

I wouldn't be 'concerned' about Echolalia like it's a bad thing. It's just different.

Read this link: http://www.teamhope.com/echolalia.htm

Very informative and really helped me "change my tune" about my Echolali worries.

A little boy just 3 years old said...

Thanks again. I certainly have lots to learn. Thanks to those who've been there before me.... it won't be as confusing as it could be.

Thanks for the link!