Today he wanted Chocolate Teddy Grahams. Well, we have Honey flavor, but I've never had Chocolate ones. I am certain he got that gem of information off the box. He would not listen to my explaination, so I wrote him a note: "Mommy has zero
Chocolate Teddy Grahams. I am sorry."
I handed him the note and a pen, thinking maybe he would write me a note back. (What was I thinking???!!!)
This beautiful artwork piece, of which I can see multitudes of numbers, includes 100, 300, 400, 500, etc.... Not an ounce of scribble on this paper... all numbers.
Is this obsession?
Is this communication?
Is this going on in his head constantly?
Is he trying to tell me something?
Is this his version of play?
He really likes his numbers. :-) You inspired him.
How cool is that?!? I like the title of the post btw.
Slightly off topic - but that's some good penmanship. Better than my typical five year old son. Like the "5" and the "4" - really impressive.
I have to remind myself he's not even three. Wow.
And this is reason #1 I and the new caseworker are livid that the OT's were trying to work on Fine Motor. Obviously, he doesn't need it.
He has just recently gotten that good at 5's - but yeah - He can even moderate the SIZE of this letters and numbers when he wants to. He amazes me.
I know exactly what you mean. I was so mystified when JBear was 2 what was going on in his head. And then when we started getting communication, I begin to think the same thing: is that what he's thinking or can he just not express himself? A little of both I think. Big hugs to you as you make your way down this foggy path. It's hard to know where we're going. Hang in there. Happy Mother's Day!
Wow, it's great that your son can write. How old is he? My son is about to turn 11 and his handwriting is just starting to be legible. I think he finally realized that writing is a form of communication and communication gets you things you want and need and helps people understand you.
I noticed that you have TEACCH in your blog definitions. Are you using it with your son. My son is in a TEACCH program out of district because everything is ABA around here. It is hard to find TEACCH programs here. They use it more down North Carolina way. God bless, Beth
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