
The one with the newer OT & Eval.. [Part One]

Part One......
Today we meet Dawn.
I have read everything I think could possibly help, filled out a sensory profile, and have some lists ready with behaviors/concerns. I have prayed that this one will be the right fit for DS. I am a little on edge that she will meet us AND evaluate on the same day, but as long as she is a good listener and a good professional - there shouldn't be a problem. DS is very OBVIOUSLY experiencing issues with sensory regulation. I just pray it is revealed and maybe he'll actually give her a display to observe as well. We've had the TV on today, Natalie came this morning & he won't get a nap before she gets here --- so we're well on our way to some Sensory Overload anyway....
My list:
Writing in the Air
Twirling Hair
Running into mirror/people
Throwing self onto floor/pillows
Falling off couch
Rubbing eyes constantly
Over Sensitive to Light
Biting Jaw constantly
Water on face = Smacking Face
Can't stand tags
Shoulders Tensed up
Loves upside down/swinging
Runs until he bumps
Fidgety/Can't sit still
Fingers in mouth
Didn't like to straddle
~Bilateral Coordination (proping)
~Motor Planning (2 feet on steps, clothes on, throwing, jumping)
~Vestibular (much of above list)
~Proprioceptive (much of above list)
~Picky Eater (? just to mention, not a huge deal)
~Self Help - Shoes, Clothes, Jacket, Stool, Potty
What we're doing
Heavy Blanket (nap)
Wiggle Seat
Heavy Moving
(Crash Pads?)

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