
The EEG Results

I really didn't expect to get ANY results from the EEG.
I expected it to be one of those phone calls like I've had so many times, "Is this mom? The results are normal at this time." But,When you hear the Doctor is on the other end of the phone, you know that's not what they're going to tell you.
~Abnormality in Right Temporal Lobe
~Slowing for brief periods of time on & off
~No active seizure activity within duration of the test, but there is an elevated risk
Doc also mentioned that it could be something as simple as a cyst, but an MRI would possibly show lesions if they are present.
She basically said that he has an elevated risk now, and even if the MRI does not show any additional information, he will be monitored from here on out.
The Developmental Pedi does not read the EEG, we will have to schedule an appointment with the Neurologist who wrote the report to discuss the results in more detail. We will have a Head/Brain MRI this Wednesday to follow up on his head trauma at birth, and now to follow up on his EEG results as well.
My Google search found quite a few things supporting 'Right Temporal Lobe Abnormalities' as being associated with Autism. It was quite interesting to read that it contributes the sensory system, language development, and aggression.... however I don't really want to know TOO much. Only HIS brain is going to tell us what we need to know.
Any experiences out there??? Questions I should have ready for the Neurologist/MRI??
Holding fast to the knowledge that God is the one who created this little miraculous boy.... He knows what his purpose is and I am actively searching for what HE wants me to learn. One is certainly WORRY does me no good.


Laura said...

oh my. Well keep us. I'll be thinking of you and E.

Laura said...

s/b "keep us posted"

Queenbuv3 said...

My son's EEG after his dianosis at 18 months was normal and did not show seizure activity. His MRI was "normal" for someone with Autism. He is now 11. He started having complex partial seizures 3 years ago out of the blue. However, once we learned there are different types of seizures -absence(blank staring off), violent with pushing and hitting, convulsive (person on the floor jerking), etc. and my son vomits and then is unresponsive and turns blue, we realized that he might have been having siezure activity for years that we didn't recognize.

I would make sure you educate yourself on the different types so you can get him treated asap if he starts to have them. Once a brain has a siezure, the more it has the better it gets at having them which is why it is important to try to eliminate them.

Good luck : )