
Funny Things...

As a Stay-at-home-mom, I become complacent to see hilarious things happen around me all day long that just seem normal.
I've never thought about DS's little morning routine until THIS morning.
DS gets up. Earlier than usual. Dad and I are sitting having our morning coffee and daily quiet time. The lights go on, the lights go off, and then he sits on the couch.
I never blinked.
Dad, looks at me and laughs, "Did you just see that? He just turned on the lights. It looks like he is sleepwalking."
We both laugh.
Later, I called dad for one reason or another. He was still relishing the morning happenings and asked me if he went off to school ok? I asked him what was different about the way he woke up, and he responded that he looked like he was sleepwalking the way he just came into the room with no greeting, turned the lights on & off, scratched his head, and then sat down.
I laughed a little harder.
"OOOOOOOOOOOOH. That! I wasn't sure why you were concerned. He does that every morning."
"Yeah. I can be standing in his path and he never even looks at me. He runs out of his room. Flips on his light, hall light, livingroom light, and then sits down. It used to be the TV, but now he just turns on the lights."
We both have an even better laugh. Realizing that we just get to see things that other parents don't. And we enjoy that.

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