
He cracks me UP!

DS came RUNNING into the room to request a pen. This happens all the time, so I just looked to make sure he had paper and handed it over. About 5 minutes later, I walked over to redirect him to something OTHER than writing and this is what I found.....

Appropriateness score:  60 year old woman

Funny score: Off the charts!

Note to self: Don't leave the TV on something other than PBSkids when I'm not in the room. Notes for old lady pills will follow.


Brenda Rothman (Mama Be Good) said...

Hilarious! Can he get a George Foreman grill number for me?

Laura said...

omg, that's the funniest thing EVER

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!!! You should frame that... you know, in case you need the # down the road.