

I will coin the word 'sonism': [suhn-iz-uhm] something my son says that makes me burst into laughter and be rendered useless as a parent who then determines she cannot punish him because the 'ism' was just too funny.

Example #1: DS likes to ride his scooter and park it up under the bar. Baby girl has shown him that it also doubles as a nice stool, which he can use to get into everything sitting ON the bar. It is automatic time out if you are caught standing on the scooter. So, tonight he was standing on said scooter and I had to ask him, 'What are you standing on?'
To which he responds, "The Promises, Mommy!" 

♫ Standing, standing..... standing on the Promises of God my Savior... ♫

Example #2:  I have been trying really hard to explain the difference between when his underwear is wet or dry. I have him touch them so that he can feel it and then we discuss. There is a LOT of potty talk around here lately. So, when he got up from nap, I asked a very normal question "what is in your underwear?". Usually the response is 'Nothing' or 'I don't know'.  Well, this particular day, I pushed him because I thought he had peed. I forgot to ask if he was wet or dry. So, when I asked, "What's in your underwear?" 
He responded, "My Butt"

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