
New Words...

This week there was an explosion - the good kind.  DS's vocabulary exploded into 2-word sentances!!  It has been a long time coming, and we knew he'd do it, but I was quite shocked when day after day I heard another one and another one.  After the first day, I started writing them down to share with Jen (SLP):
More Puzzle
Careful Sissy
No-No Sissy
Daddy Chair
ByeBye Mommy
Silly Mommy
Juice All Done
No, Too Hot
It's ok Sissy
Here Ya Go Sissy
As you can tell, its all about 'sissy'.  Something about his sister must make him want to talk.
We are SO proud of this achievement & look forward to more spontaneous sentances.


Lost in a Whirlwind

Well, I'm sure I've been takin off everyone's reading lists since I have hit a dead silence for over a month. Well, we are still alive & things are going well. DS is starting to put together some 'spontaneous' 2 word sentences.... Today I heard 'Careful Sissy' in the correct context, 'NoNo Sissy', and 'More Puzzle'. These are breakthroughs since for the most part all 2+ word sentances are prompted. However, at the same time he is struggling to bring his wants/needs/thoughts out in spontaneous speech, he has picked up the pace on reading. I promise we don't beat it in him, he just loves it. I have been treated to 'Are you my Mommy' on several occasions recently. The WHOLE thing. Complete with running all the way to me to point at a word if he doesn't recognize it. He was also sitting behind me eating one day as I was emailing & he was reading my email back to me. LOL Anyway, he's doing great.... our SPL evaluation showed some great improvements. The biggest one I can remember was a question regarding sorting 'foods/clothes'. He did it perfect & we've only been working on it for a few weeks... I didn't even know he was THAT good at it. Hope you are all well. I can't promise life will slow down enough to allow blogging until 2009 is upon us - but in the meantime - if you need a unique gift.... visit my new shop online!! I handpaint glasses, mugs, candy jars, candle holders etc. There's still a few days to ship if you're interested. VineyardGifts.etsy.com